I Bonsai nello Spazio: La Visione Esobiotanica di Azuma Makoto
Scopri “Exobiotanica,” il progetto di Azuma Makoto che ha portato un bonsai nello spazio, esplorando la filosofia del bonsai, l’armonia con la natura e la bellezza dell’effimero.
Kintsugi: L’Arte Giapponese di Abbracciare le Imperfezioni
Scopri il kintsugi, l’antica arte giapponese di riparare con l’oro. Una filosofia che celebra le imperfezioni, trasformando oggetti rotti in opere uniche e insegnandoci la bellezza della resilienza e della rinascita.
Bonsai on the Big and Small Screen: Between Movies, TV Series and Anime
Discover how bonsai trees have inspired and enriched unforgettable stories!
Discover the Depth of the Philosophy of Bonsai
Bonsai reconnects us with the environment, teaching us to respect and protect nature. An act of love for our planet!
The bonsai tree that survived Hiroshima
The Bonsai Tree that Survived Hiroshima: A Story of Resilience and Hope
How to Care for a Bonsai Tree at Christmas: Tips and Tricks
Find out how to care for your bonsai tree at Christmas with our practical tips. Protection from the cold, watering and adequate light to a healthy bonsai even in winter.
Complete Guide to Bonsai Potting with Emanuele @bonsai_jade
An exclusive guide edited by Emanuele @bonsai_jade.
Ceramics. What would the world be without it?
Ceramics is one of the most important inventions that evolved humankind.
Outdoor Bonsai trees, how to grow and care for them
We learn how to grow Bonsai trees outdoors with proper care.
What you need to start growing Bonsai trees
Growing Bonsai is a discipline that requires patience and will give you much satisfaction.
The curious history of Bonsai trees
The art of bonsai is ancient to say the least. It took hold in Japan with the advent of Zen Buddhism and the customs of monks devoted to it.
Prepare your bonsai tree for the onset of winter
Summer is now over, and with the onset of autumn, it is time to prepare our bonsai trees to face the coming winter.